
From ages past, the Japanese have believed that Nature, its trees, rocks and water, exist as dwelling places of the Gods. Giant, ancient trees still extant have survived all manner of natural disasters, and so they were worshipped by all without question as extraordinary living beings for their strength and perseverance.

Visiting historical shrines and temples in Japan, I recalled how shrine pavilions and shrine gates (torii) were always erected near Nature's phenomenal creations through the millennia.  The reason was that natural phenomena and the existence of Gods and Spirits were always inextricably intertwined.  From the earliest times, human beings everywhere, and not only in Japan, believed that Gods and animistic spirits resided continuously and eternally in the natural world.  This belief was the underpinning for day to day existence amongst all peoples.  Trees were deemed residences of the Gods and all manner of Spirits, a thought which served as spiritual comfort for those living nearby.  Rocks symbolized eternity and revitalized those who became exhausted by life's trials.  Water was the source of all life, cleansing and purifying everything, including minds and hearts.  Rain was a godly blessing, and people were thankful for its downpour on crops.  Thunder, a sign of heavenly wrath, gave pause to individuals and communities for reflection on the power of Mother Nature, but also on their own transgressions.

Once upon a time, the daily rhythm of life flowed in tune with paying respect to Nature as a gestalt.  Belief in the spiritual realm and actions in the material realm were not split one from the other, but joined, and thus everything became an act of worship of the Gods and Spirits.  Such a belief system provided a substantial foundation for ancient cultures, which then catalyzed the evolution of every kind of culture on earth and, too, world development.

I have also realized that we now seem to have less and less appreciation for the wondrousness that is Nature, despite its considerable gifts to us.  A wide variety of living organisms are disappearing at an alarming rate from our environs as if to emphasize our lack of attention to their existence.  It is therefore a good time for us to reconsider the ancient way: respect for Nature as an unwavering platform for our lives.

I seek to express the spiritual essence of Nature by illuminating in vivid color in my photographs the natural creations considered the world's oldest living organisms.  I created the Animism Series as a way to come into direct contact with the passionate warmth of Nature, but also the singing mystery of contrasts by way of brightly colored illumination glowing in the midst of darkness.  I hope that those who see my work will be inspired by the wisdom of ancient Japanese culture and deeply feel a distinct longing for what was, a time when Nature in all of its beauty and power was honored daily with powerful prayers of respect and in childlike awe.




